Cathedral Square
Orthodox Baptistry (Neonian) World Heritage: In Roman times it was bath water line shut off the octagonal, domed building. Roman-style dome is decorated with mosaics, Baptism of Christ, which depicts the ancient conception. The twelve apostles appear on display, temple premises and also representation. This symbolizes the Church. Among the prophets are visible windows arabesques.
Verdict: 1734-Built in, It was built to replace an earlier basilica, in which 4. Founded century bishop Ursus.
Archbishop's Palace Museum: Maximianus throne of interesting sights 5. Century, which Alexandrian or Byzantine work. The palace also visit the spectacular mosaics.
Piazza del Popolo
Building Veneto: loggia decorated with columns 6. century building.
Column Apollinaris and Vitalis: Ravenna statues of patron saints are considered the two pillars of the 15.századból.
Dante Mausoleum: Dante (1265-1321) It was originally the first Franciscan cemetery, Medici Pope Leo then in 1519 ordered the conduct home. The Franciscan Fathers hid the coffin. Thus, in 1780, it was built to replace the empty tomb of the mausoleum. 1865-They finally found the relic of a wall. Later, the bell tower was built over.
Arian Baptistery (Arian Baptistery) World Heritage: A gótok hite, the Arian refused to recognize Jesus as God and as a. In this spirit, they decorated the chapel. Kupolamozaikja unique, the only, depicting Christ naked in front of Michelangelo's early.
Theoderik Mausoleum (Mausoleum of Theodoric) World Heritage: Tízszögletű, squat building, the top monolith. The stone dimensions: 33 m circumference, 300 weight tons. Istrian made of white limestone. According to a legend of the cruel king is afraid of lightning, to refugees under the stone, but the shot hit yet.
Via Roma
Sant'Apollinare Nuovo-bazilika (Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo) World Heritage: Arian Goths built, It is located in a spectacular twenty-two wall column. Mozaikjai: doing – Christ's life story, left - 22 virgin, right - 26 martyr, at the entrance - the port and on the walls of palaces in Theoderik. The ceiling 17. th century.
San Vitale's Basilica (Basilica of San Vitale) World Heritage: The central Byzantine church is an example of the type. San Vitalis is one of the saint, It was a Roman soldier, who died a martyr sons. Here they were carried out in the field, a church on the site. The cathedral 526-547 Built between, Consecrated by Archbishop Maximian. Inside alabástromszobros storey arcades suggest, that women and men separately seats. Byzantine dome is considered basketball columns. The floors are the original mosaic tiles conservative east. Before the apse of mosaics depicting Justinian and Teodor. A large part of the original church walls were gone mosaics, Baroque paintings can be seen in place.
Outbuildings the famous mausoleum of Galla Placidia (Mausoleum of Galla Placidia) World Heritage: Galla Placidia was the daughter of Theodius, who was kidnapped and married the king of the Goths was Athaulf (410-ben). After her husband was killed, he sent home. Later, she married II. Constantinushoz. After his death became empress (421-450). The tomb was built in 440, It was built by the Emperor himself woman. Greek cross plan, mosaics can be seen on the walls of the ancient monuments of culture, which reveals gold cladding. A sírokban III. Valentianus, II. Constantine and Galla Placidia rest.
Archbishop's Chapel (Archbishop's Chapel) World Heritage
Sant'Apollinare-Bazilika Classében (Basilica di Sant’Apollinare in Classe) World Heritage: The most valuable early Christian basilica. 535They built between -549. The apse and the triumphal arch are original mosaics can be seen, a 6–7. Century of interest.