Given the limited number of seats in the order of payment when booking a dominant!
The booking of 50% of the whole resort fee to be paid as reservation. The deposit is paid we can only repay in the event, If the original issue price of the caravan managed.
the remaining 50% of the travel fee, Before the start of the holiday 30 days shall be paid into the account. The 50% we will send you a proof of payment when booking, melyet részünkre ki kell tölteni az utazók adataival. ( we will bevéglegesíteni voucher when full payment )
The extent to which the remainder will be paid , We would consider the cancellation of travel.
The remaining 50%, for convenience, 2 You can pay installments, but this should be discussed in advance.
The total amount paid when, We can provide a lump sum bill, which is sent by post. Or e-mail will receive a voucher, You have to print and Italy with the reception can log.
The price does not include travel insurance, so please do not forget to tie your own!
Living- Special rates will be paid in one season.
Last Minute Deals!!!
Group discount!
Nagycsaládosoknak és baráti társaságoknak kiváló lehetőség, to their vacation even more affordable.
All pre-season turns for groups booked in the first trailer for price / discount prices are above the original price the discount is counted, the second 30% discount, the third and from then on every caravan 40% reservations for discount!
High season turns: the second car 15% discount, the third and from then on every caravan 20% reservations for discount.
turnus season: the second car 20% discount, the third and from then on every caravan 25% reservations for discount!
- Quoting request is not considered reservation! To book, availability of consultation, please contact us at the email address or +36 30 719 3285 phone!